Monday, 11 June 2012

My First Snow in the Mighty South

Well the first week of June has brought an array of surprises, the biggest being the first snow fall at the Vicarage, and what a fall it was. The significance was three pronged. Firstly it was a few hours later than the rest of Canterbury. It was predicted by 'the weather gurus', however when I woke on Wednesday morning, I was not woken to the pristine view of snow out my window, but by the phone of other Cantabrian relatives with 'isnt is gorgeous? dont you love it? have you started taking photos yet?' My reply to the 20 odd phonecalls and similar amount of texts before midday was IT ISN'T SNOWING HERE, to which I heard disbelief. I was feeling a little cheated with only sleet and rain. However about 3sh it kicked in, great big flakes like candy floss, and I was in the perfect place to appreciate it. Secondly, it snowed into the evening, but on Thursday morning, the sun shone, and made the snow sparkle and picture perfect. Cautiously I dressed to kill, an absolute knockout (just cant work out why a farmer has swept me off my feet) head to toe wool, quite sheep like, camera in hand and ventured out for those pics. Although the snow covered church and garden are the classic photos, and just gorgeous, a little photographic licence, I really enjoyed these ones around the village. However, thirdly, and gladly for me it had gone in 24 hours, no worry about nasty ice and broken trees etc, like so many other areas, who even today still had snow/ice in some areas. I guess it comes from being reasonably close to the sea, my own little micro climate, I like that idea! My second week has been pretty cool too, but more of that next time The Duchess

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