Thursday, 14 April 2011

Broken but Brave

The next trip to Christchurch was always going to be a bit tough, I went with some foreboding. I had been told by some family members that it will be worse than I expect and quite different to seeing it on TV. They were right, to understand it you really need to see it in reality.
September 4th and Boxing Day had almost left our minds, and, outside of Christchurch, February 22nd was a couple of months ago. However being there is quite different. They live with it every day. Unlike a flood, or fire, or hurricane you dont really know when it will be over. 1020 shakes since 22nd Feb. Hard to get a handle on really! During the day it was quite business as usual, as I walked along the banks of the Avon in Hagley Park, children were on their way to school on scooters and bikes, and others walking to work. I thought how brave of those parents to carry on, let their children leave their sight, not knowing what the day may bring. On the other side of the road were groups of NZ Army personnel patrolling the cordon area, such a surreal sight. At night it seemed very quiet, on past visits I have laid in bed and listened to the boy racers in the distance, but now just the quiet, and for me really looking forward to morning, things always seem more threatening during the night. I guess they have now been in this 'cycle' for nearly 8 months and they must wonder every day when is it going to stop.
My first day I didn't take any photos, it seemed such an invasion to take photos of the broken buildings. On day 3 I did take some photos, of St Mary's Church in Merivale, where we had family members and friends who worshipped there, had been christened and married there and been farewelled there, so I wanted a memory of that important church.
I came home thinking how brave they are to stay, and some excited about the future of Christchurch and what a great City they are going to be part of, but I know it is going to be a long time before that City arrives.

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